With so many different supplements on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is best for your overall health.
However, experts have revealed that a supplement that is often associated with men can actually be extremely beneficial for women’s health as well.
That supplement is creatine, which according to Mindbodygreen “is a natural compound that helps produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the body.”
Although the supplement has traditionally been marketed to bodybuilders and weightlifters, experts emphasize that even those who don’t like lifting heavy weights can benefit from it in their everyday lives.
Health Benefits of Creatine
Performance improvements
Research shows that creatine supplements can improve high-intensity exercise performance and training adaptations, especially in short-duration fitness activities like sprinting and weightlifting.
Protects bones and muscles
According to the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, “Creatine can increase osteoblast (cells involved in the bone formation process) activity, reduce bone resorption (loss), and increase muscle-bone interaction when combined with strength training.”
Can support brain health
According to Psychology Today, “creatine has emerged as a leading candidate among supplements scientifically studied for its effects on brain function.”
Additionally, in a systematic review of randomized trials published in 2018, researchers concluded that oral creatine supplementation may improve intelligence and reasoning abilities in healthy people.
May also support heart health
One study showed that creatine improved the energy delivered to the heart, reduced the frequency of irregular heartbeats (irregular heartbeats), and improved the overall function of the heart.
What is the ideal amount of creatine to take daily?
If you’re considering adding creatine to your daily routine, Dr Justin Roberts, Associate Professor of Health and Exercise Nutrition at Anglia Ruskin University, and Dr Henry Chan, Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Essex, advise: “The average adult needs around 1-3g of creatine stores per day to keep the body functioning normally, however, those who exercise may need to take 5-10g per day to maintain their body’s creatine stores.”