The nationally recommended school multiplier is 1. North Carolina Public Schools First’s website says it has trained psychologists for 500 students. As of 2023, the actual ratio for North Carolina public schools is 1. Psychologists taught 1,979 students. The recommended ratio for school counselors is 1. Counselor for 250 studentsthe actual ratio of states is 1, but Counselor for 361 students.
Public school teacher Kim McKee Said Not having enough counselors in schools increases existing counselor caseloads and limits opportunities to build trusting relationships and support students on a personal level.
As a result, she says, students bring emotional issues into the classroom. Said – And of course those issues affectI’m not studying.
egan Said These changes in the classroom place teachers in charge of supporting students far beyond their academic needs.Also, Egan Said North Carolina is known for paying its teachers poorly. The added responsibilities and relatively low pay have a dramatic impact on teachers’ well-being, he said.
“If you put the teachers last, you can’t put the students first, like everyone wants to say.” Egan Said.
Mackie Said High teacher turnover in North Carolina makes it difficult for students to access consistent adults with experience in learning support.
“But there’s a big difference between talking about content and teaching students to understand it.” McKee Said. ”So if you don’t really understand the kids you’re working with or don’t have more experience with how to navigate different classroom dynamics, how much content do you know? You can’t manage a classroom and engage students no matter if they can manage a classroom they’re not going to listen to. ”
she too Said Less experience and more students per teacher affect the relationships that students and teachers are able to build in the classroom.
egan Said Teachers are often the first person to hear about a student’s problems, even non-academic problems.he Said It is important to remember that all students have needs, regardless of their background or personality.
“I think it’s clear that students are increasingly interested in receiving mental health support.” McKee said. “And you’re trying to juggle different identities, whether it’s your real identity or your online identity, so for a kid who’s just trying to develop himself as a person, it’s hard to have those identities at the same time.” I think it’s our responsibility to help students because they need help.”
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