Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 smartwatch was launched in India on Thursday. The key specifications of the smartwatch were revealed earlier this month. The newest product, the successor to the Noise ColorFit Ultra, is the largest smartwatch Noise offers. It has a 1.78-inch AMOLED screen with always-on display function. The smartwatch has IP68 dust and water resistance. His USP of this device is the Noise Health Suite for fitness enthusiasts. This smartwatch also comes with women’s health features that help women track their menstrual cycles.
Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 price, availability in India
Due to noise, ColorFit Ultra 2 has an introductory price of Rs 10,000. 4,499 and is listed on Amazon India and Noise official website. Available in jet black, navy gold, olive green, and silver gray colors.
Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 Smartwatch Specifications
Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 features a 1.78-inch AMOLED display with 368×448 pixel resolution, 326 ppi pixel density, and always-on display (AOD) capability. This smartwatch has a stainless steel body and is said to be the largest smartwatch offered by the company. It comes with Noise Health Suite, which allows you to track your health through the NoiseFit app.
Noise ColorFit Ultra 2 can measure blood oxygen (SpO2), stress, and sleep cycles. It also comes with 24/7 heart rate monitoring and support for over 60 sports modes. There is also a women’s health feature that helps you track a woman’s menstrual cycle. Users can spruce up their smartwatches with over 100 watch faces, including customized animated, cloud-based, and customizable watch faces.
Other features of ColorFit Ultra 2 include weather forecast, reminders, quick reply to calls and SMS, world clock, music, stocks, flashlight, smart DND, calculator, and more. The smartwatch has IP68 dust and water resistance. It is claimed to offer up to 7 days of runtime on a single charge.
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