in Northeast ChiropracticDr. Tom Morrison specializes in Chiropractic Biophysics, the most researched chiropractic technique. He uses his extensive knowledge of the spine and nervous system to reduce and in many cases eliminate back and neck pain and migraines. Dr. Tom also performs long-term posture correction, which can affect everything from digestion to energy levels, greatly improving overall health. Additionally, it may improve asthma, colic, ear infections, aches and pains, high blood pressure, allergies, and more.
Northeast Chiropractic also offers the state-of-the-art ScoliBrace, a highly effective, customizable scoliosis bracing method that uses the best corrective principles. Used in conjunction with 3D imaging software, BraceScan, braces are customized to the patient’s unique measurements and needs. When used in conjunction with regular corrective chiropractic treatment, ScoliBrace has been proven to significantly improve spinal deformities.
Any doctor can be said to be dedicated to their patients, but Dr. Tom goes beyond that: he goes through extensive additional training that goes far beyond what is required because he wants to provide the best care possible and guide his patients to healthier, better lives.
Northeast Chiropractic • 187 Waterman Street, Providence • 861-1300