Editor’s note: In “Hey, Health Coach,” Sarah Hayes Coomer answers readers’ questions about the intersection of health and overall well-being. I have a question? Send her a message (and don’t forget to use her clever pen name!).
Hello Health Coach,
My father had a heart attack this month. He’s okay, but it was scary because his paternal grandfather also had heart disease. I’m only 35 and would like to avoid this problem when I’m older. What is the most important thing you can do right now to protect your heart health?
— bad genes
Dear Bad Genes
It’s so scary to see a parent go through a health crisis. Sorry to hear what happened and glad to know your dad is okay.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), having a family history of heart disease increases your risk of developing heart disease yourself. However, heart disease has been extensively studied, and there are many things you can do to reduce your risk, especially if you approach the problem from a young age with prevention in mind. The fact that you’re thinking about it at age 35 may go a long way in protecting your health.
Let’s take a look at how lifestyle choices, health exams, and a few other considerations can support your heart health well into the future.
heart healthy diet
One of the most important things you can do to protect your heart is to eat well, but there’s a huge misconception about what “eating well” actually means. Should we all eat a low-fat diet? Should we go vegan? What about keto, paleo, and gluten-free? Perhaps you should try intermittent fasting.
Research shows that most diets can be adjusted to be healthier for the heart. In other words, dieting isn’t a pass or fail thing, and you don’t have to strictly follow a certain approach to take care of yourself. There is no one answer for everyone. Every fresh, nutritious food you eat contributes to your long-term health.
In my experience coaching clients, it’s much easier to add healthy things to your diet than to focus on eliminating the “bad” ones. Yes, eating lots of red meat and fried foods isn’t good for your heart, but if you learn how to fill up on the healthy foods you love, you may be less likely to binge on those burgers and fries. not.
The Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet are two of the most well-studied heart-healthy diets.
- The Mediterranean diet includes lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. Dairy products, eggs, fish, and poultry can also be consumed in moderation, and small amounts of alcohol (usually wine) and sweets are also allowed on this diet.
- The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet includes many of the same elements as the Mediterranean diet, but also emphasizes the importance of foods low in sodium and high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. . The DASH diet also recommends avoiding alcohol and sweets.
Incorporating elements of any of these diets may benefit your cardiovascular health, but be sure to keep your body and situation in mind when making changes. There is no “perfect” diet, but increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and decreasing your intake of sodium-rich foods and saturated fats is a good place to start.
Physical activity is also important for heart health. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or at least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Additionally, they recommend adding moderate to high-intensity strength training to your daily routine twice a week.
These goals may seem like big commitments, but remember, a little exercise is better than no exercise at all. Even if you can’t meet these recommendations, you can still support your heart health every time you move your body.
- AHA’s recommendations are spread out over a week and can be scheduled to meet your personal goals and responsibilities. If working out for an hour three times a week feels like too much work, he could take a 20-minute walk every night after dinner, or incorporate short bursts of cardio or strength training throughout the day. For example, walk up the stairs at the office, do a few sets of squats first thing in the morning, or do push-ups before bed.
- Be realistic and kind to yourself. He may feel that increasing his exercise from zero to 150 minutes per week is too much. So, depending on your current fitness level, start with activities that feel good and are meaningful to you. You can always build and expand over time.
- Find ways to connect physical activity with family, friends, and colleagues. Make it a normal part of your day and make it more fun to get together. Join a walking meeting, meet up with friends at the gym, go for a bike ride, or play ball with the kids. Join a local sports team, try pickleball, or try different fitness classes and apps until you find your favorite. If you make exercise fun, you’re more likely to stick with it.
According to a survey of over 60,000 people, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicinepoor sleep quality defined by short sleep duration (<6 hours per night) and “dream-like” sleep, difficulty falling asleep, or use of sleeping pills are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease. I am.
Getting enough sleep is not easy. Although conditions like sleep apnea should be addressed by your health care provider, there are many factors at home that can help you create healthy sleep habits.
- Minimize exposure to light and noise.
- Exercise early in the day or finish your workout at least two hours before bedtime.
- For dinner, eat until you’re full, but don’t eat until you’re full.
- Establish reliable sleep and wake times.
Stress is also a risk factor for heart disease. Stress causes inflammation in the body, which can increase blood pressure and stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine. Beyond these direct physiological factors, stress can cause a domino effect on lifestyle choices such as those mentioned above, especially diet, exercise, and sleep.
Although we can’t always control the stressors in our lives, there are many things we can do to reduce stress.
- Make time on a recurring basis to connect with your loved one.
- Seek help from a therapist or doctor.
- Go outside for some fresh air.
- Move your body in a way that feels good.
- Have a hobby.
- Clear the clutter from your home.
- Volunteer for a cause you believe in.
- Practice meditation or mindful breathing.
- Set aside some down time in your day or week for a sure-fire activity that will help you relax.
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smoking and drinking
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that smoking and drinking can have a negative effect on your heart. A 2022 study of more than 370,000 people found that all levels of alcohol consumption increased the risk of coronary artery disease and high blood pressure, but high consumption (7 or more drinks per week) had a lower risk than low consumption (0 to 7 drinks per week). 7 cups). drinks per week). It seems that less alcohol is better, and moderation is important.
If you want to stop or reduce your use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol, seek professional help. FindTreatment.gov and SmokeFree.gov are great places to start establishing healthier habits.
health check
You have great power to improve your health through lifestyle choices, but as you mentioned, there are also genetic factors that are out of your control.
Modern medicine has made great strides in treating cardiovascular disease, but doctors are useless if they don’t see patients regularly or don’t know what’s going on with their patients. To stay safe:
- Get a health check every year or as needed.
- Talk to your health care provider about your family history and any symptoms you are experiencing.
- Learn about common heart health screenings and tests, including blood pressure measurements, cholesterol levels, blood sugar screenings, and coronary artery calcium scans.
- If your healthcare provider has prescribed heart-protecting medication, be sure to take it as directed and let your doctor know about any unpleasant side effects.
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social support
Bad Genes, it sounds like you are aware of the risks and want to do everything you can to take care of your heart.
A final thing to keep in mind is that social support is strongly associated with positive health outcomes. Besides eating healthy food, exercising, and decompressing as much as possible, you and your dad may be able to find ways to do those things together.
Being together can have a lot of positive effects on your heart and his heart.
“Hey, Health Coach” is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional psychological or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your personal situation, health, or medical condition.
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