Euronews Health has compiled a list of five common items to avoid, including toxic PFAS, or “forever chemicals.”
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), known as “forever chemicals,” are used in a variety of industries, from electronics to aerospace.
However, they are also found in everyday consumer products, raising growing public concern over their harmful effects on people’s health.
“PFAS are man-made chemicals that don’t exist in nature and must be made in a lab,” Dr Shelley Liu, an associate professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in the US, told Euronews Health.
“They’re extremely useful because they’re water-resistant, oil-repellent and stain-resistant, so it’s easy to imagine them being used widely in industry and consumer products,” she added.
These toxic chemicals are also present in water, soil and air, potentially increasing people’s exposure.
Recent research has shown that PFAS in stormwater It is found almost everywhere on Earth and is increasingly being found in tap water and in the following products: Fruits and vegetables.
“PFAS generally have very strong carbon-fluorine bonds that make them very difficult to break down,” Liu said.
“Because they don’t break down in the body, some of the PFAS chemicals can remain in the body for years, possibly three to five years,” she added.
Toxic to humans
Exposure to these chemicals is difficult to avoid. occurs through People can also become infected by using contaminated products or products that contain these chemicals, or by breathing contaminated air.
Recent Research It has also been discovered that these permanent chemicals can enter the bloodstream through skin contact.
PFAS are toxic to humans Numerous studies These can lead to increased risk of cancer, hormone disruptions, reproductive disorders, and other health problems.
Liu added that PFAS exposure has also been linked to weakened immune function, poorer vaccine responses and higher cholesterol levels.
“Having more exposure to the virus doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get sicker, but it may increase your risk,” she said.
Because PFAS are found almost everywhere, it’s nearly impossible to avoid them completely, but you can reduce your exposure to PFAS by avoiding everyday products that may contain them.
Non-stick Cookware
Many nonstick pots and pans have Forms of PFASThese include something called PTFE, which helps prevent food from sticking.
When these coatings become heated, scratched or worn down, they begin to break down and PFAS Release For food being cooked.
To reduce exposure, people should choose alternatives such as stainless steel or regularly replace old nonstick cookware, Liu said.
Food packaging
Because PFAS are resistant to grease and oil, they are often used in disposable food packaging, such as microwave popcorn bags, fast food wrappers and pizza boxes.
Research suggests People who regularly eat out have higher levels of PFAS in their blood than those who often cook at home, suggesting that these chemicals may migrate from packaging into food.
However, some countries and companies are taking steps to limit the presence of these toxic chemicals in food packaging.
Earlier this year, packaging containing PFAS was banned from sale in the United States. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Fast food chains including Burger King, McDonald’s and Wendy’s have also announced plans to phase them out or phase them out. PFAS It is written on the package.
However, by avoiding takeaway and disposable packaging and cooking at home and using containers, PFAS-Free Labelingcould be an effective way to reduce exposure to these chemicals.
Beauty Products
PFAS are common additives in many cosmetic products.
These are often found in products that make promises like: Long-term effects Sunscreen, waterproof mascara, etc. It is also found in other cosmetics such as lipstick, eye shadow, and nail polish.
The presence of PFAS in these products poses a significant risk as they can be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and cause a variety of health problems.
To reduce your exposure to PFAS in cosmetics, you can consider using products labeled PFAS-free or check ingredient lists for known PFAS compounds.
Personal care products, including feminine hygiene products
PFAS are found not only in cosmetics but also in a wide range of personal care products, including feminine hygiene products.
these Chemicals are used It is often used in lotions and creams to increase the durability, moisture resistance, and stretchability of various items.
Some menstrual products, such as pads and period underwear, also contain PFAS to make them more absorbent.
2022 Consumer Survey Conducted by Monitoring Site Mommy masturbation In partnership with Environmental Health News, we found that based on laboratory analysis of menstrual products, a variety of menstrual products contain some level of PFAS chemicals.
They detected the presence of these “forever chemicals” in 48 percent of hygiene and household products. Incontinence pads22 percent tamponTwo of them were labeled “organic.”
a 2021 Mamavation Report 65% of period underwear tested were found to contain PFAS.
To minimize exposure, consumers can look for brands of personal care products that state they are PFAS-free.
Waterproof and stain-resistant fabric
Reports A Toxic-Free FutureA study by the Environmental Health Research and Advocacy Group found that 72% of products labeled as water-resistant or stain-resistant tested positive for PFAS.
A little on the dough Household goods PFAS may be used in stain-resistant products such as carpets and sofas, and many people are at risk of exposure in the home through skin contact with these products or inhaling dust.
Similarly, the waterproof properties of clothing items such as raincoats and waterproof jackets are often due to these toxic chemicals.
To avoid exposure, people should look to see if brands are removing PFAS from their clothing and household products, or consider avoiding stain- and waterproof products altogether.
Liu also said that increasing public awareness of PFAS may encourage the industry to explore alternatives to achieve similar water and stain resistance without using these “forever chemicals.”
Still, the primary responsibility for regulating PFAS use and limiting contamination rests with individual countries.
“I think there’s only so much we can do as ordinary citizens, and a lot of it depends on regulations,” Liu said.