This technology scans weapons and increases safety in emergency departments.
Greensboro – Cone Health installed advanced weapons detection systems at Alamance Regional Medical Center in Burlington, Annie Penn Hospital in Reidsville, and Wesley Long Hospital in Greensboro. It will be used in the hospital’s emergency department starting tomorrow, February 29th.
Wesley Long Hospital Emergency Department System
The system is designed to increase security and prevent violence in hospital emergency departments, where staff, patients and visitors can face stressful situations. Chris Kromer, Cone Health’s director of safety and emergency management, said people are well accepting of the idea that they’re there. “We had no problems at all,” Cromer said. “Most people walk through them without thinking. And when we found something, they very graciously loaded the item into our car.”
Last September, Cone Health installed its first weapons detection system in the emergency department of Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital in Greensboro. This system scans all types of weapons without people having to empty their pockets or open their bags.
Cone Health plans to spend nearly $3 million on more units by the end of September to improve entrance security at the MedCenter as well as other hospitals.