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Not long after I started sharing my yoga practices on YouTube, my students started asking for specific types of practices. Surprisingly, 90% of his requests were for his 10-minute morning yoga sequence. It’s clear that people have realized how much a little yoga can add to their day.
Yes, making time for a quick 10-minute morning yoga session can help you work out the aches and kinks that have built up over the night. Think of it as part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth. But morning yoga does more than just move your spine, stretch your muscles, and take care of your joints.
Taking time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes, reminds you to put your own needs first. Yoga, as a mindfulness practice, is a way to hold a mirror up to yourself and dive deep into your emotional body, allowing you to ask yourself, “How am I feeling?” And, “Where do I feel really vibrant and good?” Or, “Where do I need to be a little more careful?”
It also gives you the freedom to choose your intentions regarding how you want to feel. What kind of day do you want to have? What are you looking forward to experiencing? Use your intentions as anchoring points that you can return to throughout the day, not only during your yoga practice, but also when you’re waiting in traffic, sitting in a meeting, or caring for your kids. Please keep coming back. If necessary, ask, “How else can I take care of myself today?”
Stretch your entire body with 10 minutes of morning yoga
It’s amazing how a little bit of yoga can make such a big difference. He hopes his 10-minute morning yoga practice will leave you feeling ready to tackle the day ahead.
neck stretch
Start in a comfortable sitting position, whatever that means to you. Start by sitting up straight, shoulders away from your ears, and chin parallel to the floor. Drop your left ear toward your left shoulder and extend it through the right side of your neck. Let your head become heavy. If you want to go further, move the fingertips of your right hand away from your body and to the side. Here he takes 3-5 breaths, softening the jaw and connecting it with the breath. Let go and bring your head back to center. Switch between sides by lowering your right ear toward your right shoulder.
Return to center and lengthen your spine. Set goals for the next day.
cat and cow
From a seated position, go to a tabletop position on your hands and knees, placing your knees under your hips. Spread your fingertips wide and point your middle and index fingers toward the top of the mat. As you inhale, roll your stomach in and lift your gaze into cow pose.
As you exhale, round your spine and bring your chin toward your chest. Play three more rounds of Cat and Cow.
Threading the Needle with Gate Pose Variations
From the tabletop, extend your right leg straight out to the side so that your ankle, knee, and hip are all in a straight line. Press all four corners of your right foot into the floor. Reach your left arm toward the sky, and as you exhale, bring your left arm under you, bringing your left shoulder and ear closer to the mat.
If it is within grasping distance, you can grab your right thumb with your left peace finger. You can press the mat with your right hand, touch it with your fingertips, or you can bend your right elbow and bring your right hand behind you and place it on your lower back to improve spinal rotation. Try to relax your neck. This variation of “Thread the Needle” and “Gate Pose” is one of my favorite activities to do first thing in the morning.
side body stretch
From Threading the Needle, press your right hand into the mat and reach your left arm toward the sky again before lowering it back to the mat. Swing your right leg back and cross your right leg over your left, moving it as far to the left as possible. Try looking over your left shoulder and stretching the sides of your body.
lizard pose
From the side body stretch, bring your right leg straight back and step your right foot forward to the outside of your right hand in lizard pose. Lower your back knee to the mat. If you’re more comfortable, pad your left knee and place a block under your palm. Focus on raising your heart and lowering your hips.
low range twist
From the lizard, tuck in your back toes, lift your back knee off the mat, and extend your right arm upwards while keeping your left hand on the mat. Look up only if you are comfortable. Tuck your left big toe to prevent it from rolling onto the outside of your back foot. Inhale and twist.
downward facing dog
From the low lunge twist, exhale as you lower your right hand to the mat and lift your hips to form your first downward dog. You may feel better if you spread your legs wider than hip-width apart first thing in the morning. Bend one leg and extend the other leg as you row, drawing your lower abdomen toward your hips. Shake your head slightly to remove any twists in your neck. Breathe in and out deeply through your nose.
Return your knees to the mat on the tabletop. Then find “Thread the Needle” and “Gate Pose” on the other side. Continue with side body stretches, lizards, low lunge twists, and downward dogs.
stand and bend forward
From downward dog, walk your hands to the back of the mat and take a ragdoll fold as you enter a standing forward bend. You can also bend your knees wide, rest your stomach on your thighs, and grab your opposite elbows to rock slightly from side to side. This is helpful if your hamstrings are really tight first thing in the morning.
Bend forward and place your fingertips on the mat. Point your toes slightly outward, bend your knees, and lower your hips into a squat position. Bring your hands together at your chest and use your elbows to spread your knees slightly apart. It extends long through the spine.
plank pose
Release your palms onto the mat. Walk your hands forward and straighten your legs into plank pose. Pull your shoulder blades back. Breathe in and out into your lower abdomen, keeping your core strong.
sphinx pose
From the plank, lower your body to the mat and stand on your forearms, pointing your toes straight back into Sphinx pose. Bring your elbows slightly in front of your shoulders and push your upper arms back, squeezing your shoulder blades together and lifting your chest slightly higher. Take a deep breath into your heart and exhale to release it.
child’s pose
From Sphinx Pose, press your hips to return to Child’s Pose. Bring your big toes together and spread your knees as far apart as you like. Bring your hands forward and lower your chest toward the mat. Take 5 deep breaths.
comfortable seat
From child’s pose, walk your hands toward your chest and bring your knees together. Sit in a comfortable chair, kneeling or cross-legged, and close your eyes.
From this space of clarity, notice how you feel now, as opposed to when you first came onto the mat for your 10-minute morning yoga practice. Scan your body, thoughts, and emotions. Let that be your baseline to return to throughout the day.