CHARLEVOIX — The Northwest Michigan Health Authority Board of Health discussed meeting logistics at its regular meeting scheduled for Feb. 6.
At the beginning of the meeting, Otsego County Commissioner Henry Mason requested that a resolution be placed on the next meeting’s agenda to reconsider the Antrim County Commission’s removal of Jarice Rubing from the board.
Rubin served on the Board of Health for two years before being replaced by a fellow county commissioner at the board’s Jan. 18 meeting.
Each of the four counties within the health department’s jurisdiction (Antrim, Charlevoix, Emmett and Otsego) appoints two commissioners to serve on the board.
more: County Antrim votes to replace Jarice Rubin as health commissioner
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In other topics, Michelle Nowaro, township supervisor for Bagley Township, home to 25 percent of Otsego County residents, spoke during public comment and said board meetings should be rotated across the counties in the region. requested that it be held.
“I stand before you as a concerned citizen and ask for a fair and equal rotation of the health department board meeting schedule,” she said. Just like this morning, gas money for the 1 hour drive each way to get here. Sometimes we meet while doing business, but that’s difficult for some people. To be fair, meeting locations should be rotated evenly across the four counties she represents. ”
In a public response to Noirot’s comments, Emmet County resident Mary Lieberman explained that moving monthly meetings would require additional costs because “staff and IT” would also have to be moved.
Charlevoix County Commissioner Scott Hankins was reelected as board chair during the organizational portion of the meeting, and Otsego County Commissioner Jonathan Turnbull was appointed vice chair.
The Board also approved the Annual Meeting Calendar. The two will continue to meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m.
Regarding the location of the meeting, Antrim County Commissioner Terry VanAlstyne, who was appointed to replace Mr. Rubin, proposed streaming the board meeting on Facebook Live.
“Our (Antrim County) board has implemented Facebook Live for our meetings, which allows us to address many issues without having to move locations or costing the health department a lot of money to move. I think we can solve this,” he said. It makes a big difference in county government as people attend meetings virtually. ”
Currently, the board posts its meetings to YouTube after the fact and broadcasts them live via Zoom.
“I think it’s a great idea, and with modern technology, I’m sure we can accomplish it. I’m going to follow our IT guys,” Hankins said.
We also discussed the logistics of physically moving monthly meetings. Space available in each county and potential additional costs such as gas and other equipment for staff were also discussed.
Health Officer Dan Sorrell was tasked with contacting each county to see if they had space in their government buildings to hold the meeting.
The topic will be on the agenda for next month’s March 5 board meeting for further discussion.
— Reporter Annie Doyle (231) 675-0099 or