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Video: AHA Shoveling snow can be dangerous to your heart – Music and text –transcript (doctor) | Video Copyright American Heart Association 2023 | Song title: Bright future / Royalty Free
Deaths from heart attacks soar in winter
American Heart Association urges people to be aware of heart attack risk and reduce risk
What is the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest?
cardiac arrest It occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly. Cardiac arrest is an “electrical” problem.
a heart attack It occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. A heart attack is a “circulation” problem.
Understand the symptoms and take measures.
one of you is getting healthy
What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2024?
Life’s Essential 8 helps you with some simple steps you can take to live a healthier lifestyle.
eat better
Be more active
quit smoking
Get a healthy sleep
manage your weight
control cholesterol
manage blood sugar levels
manage blood pressure
Learn more about Life’s Essential 8 here.
Check out all of Life’s Essential 8 fact sheets here.
- Diet Resolution Week begins on January 1st.
- National Obesity Awareness Week begins on the 10th.
- National Healthy Weight Week starts on the 21st.
January 3rd is International Mind and Body Wellness Day
Mental health is linked to physical health and risk factors for heart disease and stroke, according to a scientific statement published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation, “Psychological Health, Well-Being, and the Mind-Mind-Body Connection.” It can have both positive and negative effects.
Stress can contribute to poor health behaviors associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke, including:
lack of physical activity
unhealthy eating habits
Not taking prescribed medication
Stressful situations set off a chain of events. The body releases adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hormone that temporarily speeds up breathing and heart rate, and increases blood pressure. These reactions are preparations to deal with situations, or “fight or flight” responses.
Fight stress by focusing on your physical and mental health.
Other stress reduction tips | infographic text
January calendar highlights
Self-Love Month, Thyroid Awareness Month, National Blood Donation Month, Glaucoma Awareness Month
1/1 – new year’s day | Global Family Day | World Peace Day
1/1-7 – Diet resolution week
1/3 – International Mind and Body Wellness Day | Women in Rock Day | Three Kings Day
1/4 – Weighing day
1/5 – national keto day
1/9 – national law enforcement day
1/10-16 – National Obesity Awareness Week
1/10 – National Step Up Day
1/11 – tobacco is harmful to health
1/12 – national youth day
1/14 – orthodox new year
1/15 – Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day
1/20 – national outdoor walk day
1/21 – national hug day
1/21~27 – National Healthy Weight Week
1/27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day
ISC Session: February 7-9, 2024 | Precon and Stroke Nursing Symposium: February 6, 2024