A beloved duo in Pakistan’s entertainment industry, veteran actors Javed Sheikh and Befrozeh Sabzwari, recently graced ‘Knock Knock Show’ with their infectious friendship and valuable insights. Behrouze Sabzwari is married to Javed Sheikh’s sister Safina, and the two are long-time friends who share a familial bond and share valuable advice on fitness tips, lifestyle and careers. I opened up about it.
Fitness tips from veterans
Despite their age, both actors have managed to maintain their fitness and vitality and remain an inspiration to their fans. During the program, Javed Sheikh (73) emphasized the importance of managing your diet and having a positive mindset. “Avoid negative thoughts as they can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health,” he said. Sheikh, who loves local cuisine, especially paay, emphasized the importance of portion control and balance in food.
Bekhloze Sabzwari, 72, echoed his friend’s opinion about the importance of diet and exercise. “I enjoy all kinds of food, but in moderation,” he shared. Sabzwari also emphasized the importance of consistency in maintaining his healthy lifestyle and urged viewers to make small sustainable changes in their daily lives.
Career advice for aspiring actors
Javed Sheikh, who has decades of experience in the entertainment industry, offered some sage advice to aspiring actors. He emphasized the importance of being grounded and passionate about your craft. “Patience and punctuality are also extremely important in this job,” he added. Both Sheikh and Sabzwari reminded young artists that success takes time and patience and encouraged young artists to never give up on their dreams.
the power of friendship and family
Throughout the interview, the bond between Javed Sheikh and Bekhroze Sabzwari was evident. Their friendship spanning over 40 years has been strengthened by family ties and common experiences in the entertainment industry. The duo’s appearance on “The Knock Knock Show” became a testament to their enduring friendship and mutual respect.
In conclusion, Javed Sheikh and Behrouz Sabzwari’s insightful conversation on ‘Knock Knock Show’ provided viewers with valuable fitness tips, career advice, and a heart-warming display of friendship. As Pakistan’s entertainment industry continues to evolve, the wisdom and experience of veteran actors like Sheikh and Sabzwari will continue to be a valuable resource for aspiring artists and fans alike. The lasting bond between these two legends of his is a reminder of the power of friendship and family in the face of life’s challenges and triumphs.