Trainer Alim Shabazz is back on Living808 with more great fitness tips and updates, this time focusing on the importance of functional fitness and an exciting new program from Big Tire Bootcamp.
“Functional fitness includes exercises that train your muscles to work together – preparing them for everyday tasks by simulating common movements. This type of training improves overall strength, coordination and balance, making daily activities easier and reducing the risk of injury. An important yet often overlooked aspect of functional fitness is grip strength. Improving your grip strength can significantly improve your performance across a range of exercises and everyday activities.” Alim recommends simple exercises such as the farmer’s walk, hand gripper and dead hang to strengthen your grip.
Alim also announced the exciting news that Big Tire Bootcamp will become Oahu’s first and only Spartan DEKA affiliate. Beginning in August, the camp will incorporate weekly Spartan DEKA training programs with an emphasis on functional fitness, strength, cardiovascular and metabolic conditioning. The partnership aims to provide advanced fitness techniques and more advanced training for all participants.
Big Tire Bootcamp welcomes everyone to join us for sessions designed to be effective and efficient. A complete workout can be completed in just 30 minutes. Visit for a schedule of weekly sessions. Join us on Saturday at 9:30 AM to prepare for your Spartan Race and kick start your fitness journey.
Alim will also sponsor the Spartan Race at Dillingham Ranch on Aug. 17-18, showcasing Big Tire Bootcamp’s commitment to supporting fitness enthusiasts at all levels year-round.